SARMs (Androgenic)- Luxury Range

Anabolicum (LGD 4033/Ligandrol) increases lean muscle mass and strength and reduces body fat as well as healing muscle loss. Improves metabolism & vascularity.
Anabolicum is also effective in treating Class I, II and III obesity.
Potency: 10 mg / capsule.
Dosage: 20-30 mg / day.
Half Life: 24 Hours.
Packing: 60 capsules / bottle
Sealed packed pharma grade luxury bottle.

Testolic (RAD-140 Testolone) is effective in treating obesity, Muscular Dytrophy and Anti-Ageing Properties.
Greatly boosts quality muscle mass and stronger muscle, helps fat loss.
Potency: 10 mg / capsule.
Dosage: 10-20 mg / day.
Half Life: 24-36 Hours.
Packing: 60 capsules / bottle
Sealed packed pharma grade luxury bottle.

Nutrobolic (MK-677/Ibutamoren/Nutrobal) increases gH and IGF-1 (insulin growth factor) which in turn betters our memory and also helps gain lean muscle mass.
Induces extreme hunger effects and regulates appetite. Gains heavy muscle mass & strength. Improves immunity, promotes fat loss in muscle tissues ancd helps in healing of damaged tendons.
Potency: 10 mg / capsule.
Dosage: 20-30 mg / day.
Half Life: 24 Hours.
Packing: 60 capsules / bottle
Sealed packed pharma grade luxury bottle.

Ostaviron (MK-2866/Ostarine) is wonderful api which allow proteins in the body known as androgen receptors, when ostarine binds to these receptors, it tells muscles to grow.
Hardening muscles and enhance strength. It’s great for holding muscle mass when on a diet.
Potency: 10 mg / capsule.
Dosage: 20-50 mg / day.
Half Life: 24 Hours.
Packing: 60 capsules / bottle
Sealed packed pharma grade luxury bottle.

Cardarin (GW-501516/Cardarine) Improves lean muscle mass and reduces triglycerides and LDL prevents plaque buildup in arteries.
Clinical Trials have shown its effectiveness in preventive treatment of Diabetes.
Potency: 10 mg / capsule.
Dosage: 20-30 mg / day.
Half Life: 24 Hours.
Packing: 60 capsules / bottle
Sealed packed pharma grade luxury bottle.

Stenabolic (SR-9009/Stenabolic) SR-9009 is to help balance cardiac rhythms.
Weight reduction, levels of cholesterol, and balance in blood sugar (Type 2) also facilitate better cardiac health. Deterioration of lean muscle mass linked with aging.
Potency: 12.5 mg / capsule.
Dosage: 25-50 mg / day.
Half Life: 3 Hours.
Packing: 60 capsules / bottle
Sealed packed pharma grade luxury bottle.

Andrin (S-4/Andarine) has shown prevent muscle loss, osteoporosis and benign prostatic hypertrophy. Andarine has also shown improvement in muscle mass, also in cases of HIV related Muscle loss. Also reduces LDL Cholesterol.
Potency: 10 mg / capsule.
Dosage: 20-50 mg / day.
Half Life: 8 Hours.
Packing: 60 capsules / bottle
Sealed packed pharma grade luxury bottle.

Myblast (YK-11/Yuchiro Complex) is works by blocking myostatin in body and releases gH and allow muscle growth phase without limiting its growth.
Rapid recovery, highlighted endurance, and exceptional strength.
Potency: 12.5 mg / capsule.
Dosage: 12.5-25 mg / day.
Half Life: 8 to 10 Hours.
Packing: 60 capsules / bottle
Sealed packed pharma grade luxury bottle.